Grump and burnt are different, but very similar effects.
They were both made around the same time - as you may know, part of the idea behind the Elements series was to make circuits that I could easily modify into new effects.
These were my first two swings at making something with Fire PCBs. It didn’t really go as planned with either one.
I wanted them to have more, but smoother saturation, and have wider ranging tone controls.
The tone controls worked as I expected, but nothing else did.
I didn’t build these on a breadboard, I just did some calculations on paper and built them. After two attempts at not getting what I was going for, I went back to designing on the breadboard.
These things weren’t what I wanted, but were still pretty cool and I’d play with them now and then.
When it came time to move to Australia, I decided to sell them. While I have no control over this actually happening, I always thought it would be cool for two friends/lovers/people with some weird connection to have them, because it is kind of like the pedal version of having half a medallion.
And that’s the story behind Grump and burnt.